Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Hallway

I have been trying to figure out something to do with the hallway going to our garage.  We use this hall every time we come or go anywhere and it was becoming a dumping ground for all of our shoes, bags, coats etc.  I originally had a red bin in the corner where the boys would put all their shoes and coats upon entering the house, however, the wet dirty shoes did not mesh too well with the clean dry coats, I needed a new plan...
I found these shoe storage bins at IKEA a few weeks ago and am in love!!!  Our hallway looks amazing and the boys love having their own bins to keep their hats and shoes in, plus there are enough bins for us each to have two!  Goodbye briefcase on the kitchen counter, purse on the doorknob and shoes on the floor, you now have homes!!!
I completed the hallway with a few new pictures and
a fresh coat of paint!

I added some hooks at the end of the hall
for the boys to hang their coats and backpacks.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Treasure Hunt

My parents recently took the boys for a few days to give us a weekend at home alone (HUGE THANK YOU NONNIE & PAPA)!!  We saw a few movies, went out for a few nice dinners and I did some SERIOUS spring cleaning and even managed to paint a few rooms!  I'll post more pictures of all the projects I completed soon (I had a "To Do" list for the weekend that was seriously eight pages long) but I just came across this one while uploading some other pictures and had to share...
This is what came out from under our couch in
the living room!  I regularly clean where
I can reach but we actually moved them out from
the walls and apparently the boys really enjoy
shoving stuff between the couch and the walls...
It's like a mini toy store/snack shack!