Tuesday, January 17, 2012

2011 Project 52...

Not too bad!  Need to come up with my 2012 list :)
  1. Paint Silas's Room
  2. Cut Bangs
  3. Donate Blood - OOPS
  4. Try Zumba - Loved it!
  5. Get Silas in a big boy bed
  6. Host a Girls Night In dinner party - I did have a Scentsy party with lots of food so that could count...
  7. Run a 5k for a cause - I did run a 5k but it was The Shamrock and I think the only cause is a lot of beer at the end...
  8. Use my Crock-Pot at least 2x per month
  9. Try at least one new recipe per week
  10. Read two classic novels (over 50 years old)
  11. Dress up for Halloween (in a real costume) - I was Kelly from Handy Manny and Ryan was Handy Manny himself!
  12. Get some house plants and keep them alive - I got the plants but only a few are still alive...
  13. Read at least 25 books - I think I hit 19, pretty close
  14. See at least four movies in the theater
  15. Find something pretty and childproof to organize my jewelry
  16. Keep an exercise log - FAIL
  17. Take a trip somewhere with Ryan (even if it is just for a night or two) - Seriously recommend Resort at the Mountain for a quick, close to town getaway!
  18. Host a BBQ this summer
  19. Get professional family photos taken
  20. Watch 25 movies from my Netflix Queue
  21. Go to a Duck game or two
  22. Go to a museum or art gallery
  23. Take the kids to at least four new parks this summer
  24. Take a road trip
  25. Learn how to bake bread & rolls from scratch
  26. Send out two handwritten notes/cards per month
  27. Grow tomatoes - I don't even like tomatoes :)
  28. Update blogs at least once a week
  29. Organize our linen closet once and for all (and keep it that way)
  30. Get a hot stone massage - AMAZING
  31. Potty train Silas - a Momma can dream right!
  32. Get our ceilings painted - definitely going on this years list...
  33. Get Noah out of pull ups at bedtime
  34. Read at least 10 books to the boys per day - FAIL, we do read a lot just not 10 books a day...
  35. Bake a pie from scratch (crust and all) - Made a Sour Cream Lemon Pie, a pretty yummy ice cream pie and a few cheesecakes!
  36. Take the boys to the Children's Museum at least twice
  37. Go to a concert
  38. Implement at least three things we can do at home to live more green
  39. Go to the zoo at least once a month when the weather is nice enough
  40. Design my dream dining room with hopes of moving the Cozy Coupes out of ours to have a nice family meal or two - Designed and furnished!!!!!!!
  41. Clean out my composter and start using it again - Cleaned and ready to go, maybe this summer...
  42. Meet my annual retirement account contribution limit - Whoot!
  43. Keep track of our budget for the entire year - FAIL
  44. Go to the coast at least once (Silas has still never been)
  45. Learn how to make a coconut mojito - Not as good as the ones we had in Puerto Rico but still pretty good!
  46. Grow mint in my herb garden for those mojitos
  47. Hire a babysitter for an entire day to get out of the house and do whatever I want
  48. Register Silas for a fun class or two while Noah is at school
  49. Make a ridiculously huge holiday meal for one holiday during the year - I did Thanksgiving!!!
  50. Go sledding - Never really had enough snow, we did pull them around on a sled a little in Bend last spring...
  51. Hike up a mountain (no mountain in particular) - Hiked up Pilot Butte in Bend, nothing major but kind of a mountain (or big hill)
  52. Go to Multnomah Falls (hiking to the top does not count as mountain listed above :)