Tuesday, January 11, 2011

One down...

I took the plunge and purchased a few plants for around the house yesterday...  My fingers are seriously crossed that I can figure this plant thing out and keep them alive because I really do love having plants around.  It does not seem like it should be that hard - water, prune, light etc.  However, my track record is not great so hopefully I can keep these ones out of the yard debris bin!
I got these ones for the dining room, aka the Cozy Coupe parking garage.
These ones will have the special threat of being near the "play zone" and
there is a pretty good chance they will end up on the floor before I
have a chance to kill them...

I don't even know what this plant is...
My grandma brought it to me as a hostess gift,
 but I'll see what I can do!

These two are in our bedroom.  They probably have the best
chance of surviving out of all of them due to the low kid
traffic in the area, that is if I remember to feed and water them...
Gotta love IKEA plants & pots!


  1. I love house plants and have them in every room...I have some that are ten years old even! I find the key to keeping plants alive is to completely ignore them!! Sounds funny, but I water my plants once every two weeks, at that's it...seriously! Oh..you also want to make sure they have good drainage, and don't sit in water...that is the fastest way to kill them!

  2. I agree, don't over water. I have the palm looking one in your bedroom on my desk at work and it does great.
